it wasn’t easy to write


Posted in Curhat by jimmy on June 25, 2007

Belakangan ini kerasa menyebalkan hidup teh.

Dari mulai harapan yang ngga kewujud, sampai perubahan yang buruk.

Sikap-sikap underestimate, bad perception, merasa lebih hebat, dan sok nasehatin.

Semua datang tanpa diundang.


Father and son

Posted in My Mind by jimmy on June 22, 2007

Father and son

Someday …

F: Son are you currently datting someone?

S: Yes dad, i do have a girlfriend, and she is so beautifull.

F: Is it ok for her, that you’re working with me now

instead of going with her in this saturday night?

S: I think she’ll understand dad, after all i don’t want to leave you working by yourself.

F: I’m so sorry son, you don’t desserved this.

S: Dad are you alright? Your stomach is ….


Trafficking in person

Posted in Public by jimmy on June 16, 2007

Child and woman trafficking is an ongoing crime in Indonesia, and many other countries in the world.

The word “trafficking in person” defined as an operation of recruitting, transportting, hidding or kidnapping someone with thread or abuse and other form of pressure to take advantage of other people by many form of exploitation.

Sexual exploitation, slavery, ilegal adoption are the most common form of human exploitation in trafficking in person.

Child exploited for slavery

6425 Indonesian woman involved in prostitution in malaysia for the past 3 year, they were the victim of woman trafficking.

Woman exploited for prostitution

So, at least we can act by not using them…


Posted in Public by jimmy on June 16, 2007

Baca di PR minggu, 17 juni 2007, Alat deteksi gempa dicuri di Kupang.

Gimana bisa ilang alat penting seperti itu ngga dipantau sama BMG tiap hari.

Just kidding ditinjau kali, masa engga sih kan alat itu mahal.

Maklum manusia suka khilaf. heheh